The Waterfallmodelis a linear, sequentialapproach to the softwaredevelopmentlifecycle (SDLC). Duringeachstageofdevelopment, itestablishesclearendpointsorobjectives. Aftercertainendpointsorobjectiveshavebeenachieved, theycannot be revisited. The ‘Water’ aspectcoversrequirements, productbacklog, andplanningand the ‘Fall’ aspectcovercloseprojectexecution.
‘Agile Scrum’ features the middle of the process, and executes project on an agile approach; which allows for to change of the request and change in the priority of the features. Each sprint lasts two to four weeks, and the goal of each sprint is to build the most important features first and deliver a deliverable product.
Water-scrum-fall is a hybrid of two project management methodologies that combination of 2 models: waterfall and scrum. This hybrid approach is sometimes also called ‘Wagile’.
The combinationofbothmethodologiescreates a flexibleapproachwhereourcompany can utilize the bestpartsofeachwhileworkingon a project.
Congratulations to the talented individuals who have successfully completed their journey of CodeCamp#2 at TechSoft! Over the course of three months, these […]